Shegoa formula is made from a patented combination of goat and sheep milk. This creates a Supermilk that is much easier to digest compared to cow based and goat only based formulas. Fast digestion is great for babies and infants as it means it is less likely to be rejected making them feel much more comfortable. Happy baby means contented and happy parents.
is the important building block
for humans and provides the
body with both essential and
nonessential amino acids. It
helps tissue forming and
development. Shegoa Milk
contains approximately 50%
higher protein than cow’s milk.
are necessary for brain
development and absorption
of fat-soluble vitamins. They
are a primary calorie source.
Long chain fatty acids are
needed for brain, retina and
nervous system development.
provide the energy source for
your infant
also known as ‘milk sugar’,
found in breast milk and
other milk, helps to
effectively absorb calcium
and iron. It is important in
brain development of
helps support overall
mental functioning.
is essential for overall
growth and promotes
healthy hair growth.
is the most abundant
mineral in the body. It is
used to build healthy
bones and teeth. It is also
involved in many different
functions including muscle
contraction, blood vessel
constriction and
relaxation, secretion of
hormones & enzymes and
nervous system signaling.
Shegoa Milk contains
approximately 40% more
calcium than cow’s milk.
is needed for the formation of
hemoglobin in red blood cells,
which is used to carry oxygen
throughout the body. Iron is also
important in cell and tissue
growth. Shegoa Milk contains
approximately double the amount
of iron compared to cow’s milk.
is an essential mineral nutrient for
life and is present in every cell
type in every organism. It is
involved in the proper function of
over 300 enzymes in the body.
is required for the eye’s visual
functioning. As well as being an
anti-oxidant it has many different
roles in other cells. Shegoa milk
has over 60% higher Vitamin A
than cow’s milk.
is necessary for the formation of
bones, cartilage, muscles and
blood vessels, as well as helping
with the absorption of iron.
Shegoa Milk contains 2.7mg of
Vitamin C per 100g serving. Cow
whole milk contains zero.
Is suitable for bottle fed babies from birth to 6 months. It is a nutritionally complete formula to assist with healthy growth and development. Contains a perfect combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Is suitable for bottle fed babies from birth to 6 months. It is a nutritionally complete formula to assist with healthy growth and development. Contains a perfect combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Is suitable for bottle fed infants from 6 months. It is formulated to meet the increasing nutritional requirements to assist with healthy growth and development.
a h
Is suitable for bottle fed infants from 6 months. It is formulated to meet the increasing nutritional requirements to assist with healthy growth and development.
a happy tummy & easy digestion.
Is for toddlers aged from 12 months. This formulated supplement will assist the nutrition needed for an active toddler.
Is for toddlers aged from 12 months. This formulated supplement will assist the nutrition needed for an active toddler.
The Company was founded in New Zealand in 2017 with the goal of creating a new type of infant formula. After several years of development and testing it was discovered that combing goat and sheep milk together resulting in an infant formula that was superior to anything else available. We call this Supermilk Shegoa.
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